“We’re committed to Sport Integrity, Gender Equity, across the board, within sponsorships, and across our business around the world. What SIGA stands for, the mission around finance transparency, and good governance is important to Mastercard, because it’s endemic to how we operate. Our brand’s foundation is Integrity, security and experience. So, it’s been a natural fit for Mastercard and SIGA to work together through these years and to continue on that path.”

Alison Giordano’s words during the 4th episode of #SIGAWoW – Women on Wednesdays (WoW) are the perfect explanation why Mastercard is one of SIGA’s Founding Members.

After all, being linked – and well known for that – to sponsorships in sports, this global brand can’t risk being involved with organisations that don’t align with its values.

Alison Giordano is Vice President for Global Sponsorships and Content Marketing at Mastercard. Recently elected as SIGA Council Vice-Chair, she points out what keeps her awake at night…:

“We’re living in a world of so much technology, and people have it at the tips of the fingers. A post can make or break the brand. So, at Mastercard we spend a lot of time understanding our communities and listening to ensure we’re doing the genuine and authentic things at all times. In these times, brand trust is so critical… What SIGA has done was creating a standard, and it’s a standard that properties can strive towards. It allows them to look inside, identify areas that they can improve, and keep that improvement ongoing, just like everyone needs to. On the brand side, it’s important because it becomes a reference point. It’s another criteria point that brands can lean on and look to when they’re making investment decisions”. These powerful words can be used to explain the relevance of the SIGA Universal Standards on Sport Integrity and SIRVS (SIGA Independent Rating and Verification System), the first-ever independent audit of sports organisations in accordance with their governance to bring greater transparency and scrutiny.

With the focus on “Why Must Global Brands Take Action?” Katie Simmonds, SIGA’s Global COO and WoW host, also had the chance of discussing this issue with Christine Wylie, Director, Global Sponsorships, Global Brand Marketing Division at Metlife, and Julia George, Sponsorship Manager at The Heineken Company. Their insights were also inspiring, and led to the same conclusions Alison Giordano pointed.

“The Integrity of a brand is very important. To be honest, that is why MetLife doesn’t align with individual athletes, because someone could say or post to their social media accounts something that we don’t believe in, as a brand. The Integrity, the character of an individual, of a sport, and what the sport stands for is very important coming from the brand side”, Christine Wylie shared with the global audience.

Gender, Race, Inclusion and Diversity are key values to SIGA, and one of the areas in which SIGA strives to implement good practices. Asking Julia George how The Heineken Company shifted their connection in sports from a male perspective, she explained that was never an issue: Sport and beer are not men stuff, she explained. This was followed by the remarkable “Cheers For All” video campaign released by Heineken, in which those misconceptions were deconstructed.

Empowering female leaders in sport is another SIGA mission, leading to a world (and Sport) with Equity.

Asked for advice to aspiring women in the Sports business, Julia George was clear. Confidence is the key: “Be yourself. Don’t mould yourself into something you think you should be. Be genuine to who you are. Don’t be afraid to go left when others go right, and push for what you believe in. Try to enjoy what you do. If you don’t, get out. Life is short”.

If Julia and Alison had previously agreed on what to say, probably they wouldn’t sound so similar. “Being yourself is super important. And don’t change to try to fit a mould. Always be curious and be confident in your voice”, Mastercard’s VP said.

Also inspirational, Christine’s words showed the power of networking as another possible way for succeeding in a career: “When you’re at meetings, when you’re at conferences, do not underestimate the value of networking – meeting people and talking to people. You just never know where it’s going to lead you. You’re around people who you can learn from, and you might be able to help. So take advantage of those moments. Take advantage of being in that moment and being around individuals who may be influential to you in the future. I’m the living proof of the value of LinkedIn, and I believe in connecting with other great women and leaders in our industry”.

With many female athletes competing in the Tokyo Olympics, the 4th episode of WoW didn’t introduce a new SIGA Champion.

However, Claire Johnson, CEO of the Naked Warrior – a Female Empowerment Coach; Qualified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist – was invited to share her top tips on how to unleash an alpha female!

The book The Winning Formula was the starting point and she went from there to her explanation:

“We never ask the next question, why not me? When you start to ask that question, you’re allowed to come up with the answers, you’re opening up that space to think. Okay, so if I was able to do this, could I then achieve that, and it’s a very empowering word and phrase to use. So, if someone else can do it, then why can’t I? It’s very inspirational, and it really connects the essence of what I’d call being alpha female”.

SIGA’s WoW #4 still had the time to introduce the Man of the Month. In Katie Simmond’s Words: “This is someone who has championed female leadership in Sport. It goes to Michael Robichaud, Senior Vice President, Global Sponsorships at Mastercard. Michael is Man of the Month because he has led by example and created a leadership lane for Alison Giordano to run for elections and take his place on the SIGA Global Council. Michael, we need more men to do this to create gender parity in the boardroom! Thank you!”


If you missed SIGA WoW #4 you can watch it here.


Save the Date: #SIGAWoW Show #5 – Wednesday 1 September 2021

Stay tuned for the opening of applications for the 2021 / 2022 #SIGAWomen Global Mentorship Programme