SIGA is an independent, neutral and not-for-profit membership based international organisation.

We are not driven by any political motivation or commercial interests. Our mission is to usher sport into a new era by promoting, supporting and rating the implementation of an independent set of core principles and Universal Standards on Good Governance, Financial Integrity, Sports Betting Integrity and Youth Development and Protection across the sporting industry.

As foreseen in our statutes, the funding of SIGA is comprised of several potential income sources, namely membership fees and in-kind contributions made by our Members and Committed Supporters. All Members contribute to SIGA’s funding in accordance with their means and in a proportional, equitable and affordable way. We are thankful to all of them.

For the list of 2022 SIGA Membership contributions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions.

2022 Membership Paid

To continue enhancing SIGA’s governance and transparency in accordance with best practice, in 2022 the SIGA Council decided to publish the financial contributions received from each Member.

Thank you to those Members who, in addition to contributing in kind, also contributed financially.

As an expression of appreciation and in the interests of transparency, they are:

Access EarthGBP 5 000,00
ESICGBP 5 000,00
European Acquatics (LEN)GBP 10 000,00
GambanGBP 5 000,00
Government of AzoresGBP 25 000,00
IMMAFGBP 5 000,00
INEXTOGBP 5 000,00
IPDJGBP 5 000,00
MastercardGBP 100 000,00
OctagonGBP 5 000,00
Ponta Delgada Football AssociationGBP 5 000,00
Ponta Delgada MunicipalityGBP 5 000,00
Portugal National Olympic Committee (COP)GBP 10 000,00
Qatar Stars LeagueGBP 30 000,00
QuestGBP 5 000,00
Starlizard Integrity ServicesGBP 10 000,00
UnderdogGBP 5 000,00
APDDGBP 5 000,00
Note:In 2022, membership bands were as follows:
Band AGBP 100,000
Band BGBP 75,000
Band CGBP 50,000
Band DGBP 25,000
Band EGBP 10,000
Band FGBP 5,000