Today marked the fourth in-person Kick Off Meeting for the Sport Transparency Index project in Warsaw, Poland, hosted by the Institute for Sport Governance.

This 30-month initiative aims to establish a mechanism for objectively assessing all European Sport Stakeholders concerning Transparency levels across a set of universally applicable Integrity indicators. The Sport Transparency Index project aspires to enhance standards by highlighting current capacities and simultaneously creating avenues to foster positive change through related education, policy recommendations, and knowledge exchange initiatives.

This meeting was a particular landmark for the project as it marks the culmination of the Pilot Study phase that built upon an in-depth mapping of the Sport Integrity and Good Governance Landscape which informed the creation of the 15 indicators which will be used to evaluate Sport Transparency in Europe at all Stakeholder Levels. The pilot study successfully validated the methodology and the project will now begin the final evaluations of European Sport and compile the first edition of the Sport Transparency Index for launch in 2025.

SIGA EUROPE are proud to lead this multi-stakeholder project that is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.

This project is intended to be inclusive and accessible for Stakeholders from every aspect of the Sporting Ecosystem. As such, all are invited to register to participate in a variety of ways to this ground-breaking project.

Click here to find out more.

Follow the project on LinkedIn and Twitter,

If you would like to learn more, or explore opportunities to be involved please contact Dr Iain Lindsay at


Click Here for more information.

 Click Here for the Sport Transparency Index Digital Leaflet

The Sport Transparency Index is a collaborative partnership coordinated by SIGA and jointly implemented by the following partners: SIGA EUROPE; ISG – Fundacja Institute For Sport Governance; VUB- Vrije Universiteit Brussel; FEDAS-  europäische Verband des Sportfachhandels; IOTC – Dietnes Kentro Olympiakis Ekexeiria; EPSI – The European Platform for Sport Innovation; FPN – Federação Portuguesa de Natação; EMCA – European Multisport Club Association; UCLM – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; EFDN – Stichting European Football Development Network; ICSS Europe – International Centre For Sport Security Europe; Igre mladih – Udruga za sport, rekreaciju i edukaciju Igre mladih; IPDJ, IP Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude; AEFCA – Alliance of European Football Coaches’ Associations and the Football Supporters Asociation, the FSA.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



SIGA is the world´s leading organisation for Sports Integrity. Supported by more than 200 international multi-industry supporters, we are creating a whole new landscape for the global sports industry by promoting the implementation of the highest integrity standards and delivering independent global rating and certification for Sport.

Funded by its members, SIGA is the only organisation to bring together all key stakeholder groups – Sport, Government, International Organisations, Global Business and Civil Society – from every region in the world, around one critical, fundamental Cause: to foster greater Integrity throughout Sport.

SIGA is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, as a non for profit association, funded by its members, and comprises of the following continental subsidiaries: SIGA AMERICA, SIGA EUROPE and SIGA LATIN AMERICA.

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