The SIGA Global Mentorship Programme for Young Aspiring Female Leaders in Sport is part of the SIGA Global Agenda on Female Empowerment and Leadership.

In 2021 SIGA went virtual with its Global Mentorship Programme for Aspiring Female Leaders in Sport and we expanded the programme across every continent.

Initially announced at a SIGA Session in Paris on the eve of International Women’s Day in 2018, SIGA set in motion the launch of a worldwide, action-orientated mentorship programme to support and encourage future female leaders in sport to reach their potential. For the first official press release, click here. To date SIGA has delivered mentorship to over 350 aspiring female leaders in the sports industry and our target for the 6th cycle is to double the programme from 75 global mentees to 150!

Open to women aged 21 or over, the programme is designed to promote future leaders in sport and foster greater diversity within the sporting industry, as advocated by SIGA’s Universal Standards on Good Governance. Teaching vital leadership skills and creating invaluable experiences, the eight-month programme will offer prospective mentees the opportunity to forge relationships with women who have trodden the leadership path, with a combination of group and bilateral digital sessions.

Get inspired, get mentored!


The eight month Programme consists of:

  • 8 x Group Digital Workshops with special high profile guest speakers on topics including (check preliminary calendar here):
    • Goal Setting
    • Leadership and Integrity
    • Athlete Transition
    • Good Governance in Sport
    • Sexual Harassment & Discrimination in Sport
    • Male Champions
    • Bonus Topic to be voted on by the mentees
  • Pairing with one of the #SIGAWomen Global Mentors for up to 6 bilateral sessions
  • Complimentary Digital Pass for the Summit on Female Leadership in Sport
  • Complimentary digital participation in SIGA’s flagship thought leadership event, Sport Integrity Week and access to the in person #WoW Lounge
  • Access to high profile global senior leaders in sport
  • Opportunity to network with global peers and forge long lasting relationships within the industry at all levels
  • Opportunity to apply for an internship at SIGA
  • Digital Certificate

Apply now to secure your place on the 2025 Programme!

The programme is available for women over the age of 21 years or over. To apply please click on the Mentee Application Form and upload your CV.


For those in full time employment, a symbolic administrative fee of £300.00 will be charged for the programme that can be paid for either by the Mentee or their employer.

If you are unemployed or in full time education you can apply for a scholarship. Places for scholarships are limited.

All funds are reinvested back into the #SIGAWomen Programme with the goal of creating gender equity on the boardroom of sports organisations.

Please note the administrate fee is exclusive of bank charges which are payable by the mentees.   SIGA does not offer refunds for any applications.


The independent jury will review and assess the applications and match the mentees to their respective mentors.

Have you pierced the gender glass ceiling in sport and would like to join our global community of #SIGAWomen mentors? Contact [email protected] with your CV.

The Characteristics of #SIGAWomen Mentors

  • A Winning Mindset: Resilient

Does not accept no for an answer. Adapts to her environment to stay relevant in a changing world. Focused on delivery and results and unwavering in the goals she has chosen.

  • Creating a Legacy

Committed to creating leadership lanes for young women to make their pathway better for future generations in sport.

  • Thought Leader

Leads by developing innovative ways to inspire a cultural change in the industry.

  • Diversity & Inclusion

Passionate about diversity and inclusion and creates opportunities for those less represented.

  • Spirit of initiative

Does not wait to be asked. Assumes responsibility and ownership. Transforms adversity into opportunity.

  • Integrity

Highest ethical conduct. Lives and works in a code of teamwork, fair play, and respect.

  • U-Matter

Treats everyone with courtesy and gives the people that work with her a purpose to motivate them and bring out the best in them for the benefit of the team and wider goals.

  • Belief

Self-belief. She exudes confidence in who she is and the changes she can make in the world.


Meet the #SIGAWomen Global Mentors

Statement from Katie Simmonds, Chair, SIGAWomen

It is a pleasure, passion and duty as a female in the sports industry to lead the SIGA Global Female Mentorship Programme for Aspiring Female Leaders in Sport. The high calibre of Global Mentors, from a diverse cross-section of the industry, shows that this movement is not only gaining traction but is needed. The current status quo of gender balance in the board room of sports organisations is simply not good enough. If we are to increase this, as women working in the industry, we have a responsibility to help the next generation of female leaders. Networking, exchanging valuable practical lessons and tips, as well as offering reassurance and confidence to the next in line is exactly what the programme is about. If you have smashed the glass ceiling, take a step forward and join us!”