We are pleased to announce that the date and venue of the Sport Integrity Forum 2023 is now confirmed: September 4th, at the auditorium of Morumbi Stadium.
In its inaugural edition in Latin America, the Sport Integrity Forum 2023 will serve as a noteworthy and enduring thought leadership event for the entire region and beyond. More than 250 distinguished professionals from the realms of sports, government, finance, business, and civil society are expected to participate.
Registrations are free but limited. Complete yours as soon as possible.
Promoted by SIGA LATIN AMERICA, this Forum stands as a pivotal cornerstone within the Sport Integrity Week (#SIW2023) itinerary. From September 2nd to 9th, the Sport Integrity Global Alliance, along with its expanding network of members and supporters, will orchestrate events globally, aimed at advancing the cause of sports integrity. Presently, over 60 hosting partners have been formally announced across more than 30 cities and approximately 20 nations worldwide.
We eagerly anticipate the active involvement of all concerned, as this event holds paramount significance in advancing the cause of sports integrity in Brazil and across Latin America.
The event to be held in Sao Paulo provides amazing branding benefits for sponsors, for example: VIP Room tickets for São Paulo FC match at Brasileirão; Player in the Integrity Match; Logos in back, front, and sleeves of Integrity Match official kits. Please see the deck for more information.