Global Media Stand Up for Sport Integrity
The Media Partnership agreement to join efforts with SIGA does not involve any financial transactions, ensuring respect for the values of a free press and the independence of each of the Media Partners and SIGA. It also doesn’t include any obligation that would threaten editorial freedom. SIGA will cooperate at all-time with the Media Partners upon their request, keep them informed about the Alliance activities and Integrity issues, and promote mutual participation in initiatives regarding Sport Integrity awareness and promotion.
Join SIGA as a Media Partner. Reach out our director of Comms & Media Nuno Perestrelo: [email protected]
Joint Initiatives
SIGA Media Partners Joint Statement
Sports Management Podcast with Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros
- Decyfr Sport is the latest SIGA Media Partner
- Hungarian Press Union becomes SIGA Media Partner
- SIGA and Twentytwo13 extend Media Partnership to “Permanent”
- Portuguese and Spanish Sports Press joins the fight for Integrity in Sport
- Permanent Media Partners give voice to Sport Integrity
- Brazilian magazine Placar joins SIGA as Media Partner