Two questions, countless replies and one certainty: SIGA’s Survey on Sport Integrity produced results consistent with the public alerts the Sport Integrity Global Alliance CEO, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, has been flagging, as well as with SIGA’s reform agenda.

The preliminary results were presented during the Special Session on Global Leadership & Anti-Corruption in Sport. The process for voting was simple: given several options for each question, participants were asked to rate them by the level of importance.

Question number 1 was “Which are the Most Vulnerable Areas in Sport?”.

Two options got the most attention: Club Ownership, and Players’ Transfers, showing that SIGA Members and Committed Supporters are well aware of the risks facing corruption in Sport and, mainly, lack of transparency in financial transactions.

It was not surprising, therefore, that question number 2, regarding the “Most Pressing Integrity Reforms”, placed on top three places the Universal Standards on Sport Integrity, the establishment of a Clearing House for all financial movements, and Independent Rating and Certification of sports organisations.

SIGA will keep the Survey open to gather more information and keep track of the public perception regarding those issues. In January 2022 an update will be made, and the results considered in SIGA’s next steps.

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SIGA is the world´s largest coalition in the field of sport´s governance and integrity. Supported by more than 100 international multi-industry supporters, SIGA is an independent and neutral organisation whose mission is to bring about meaningful reforms and enhance the integrity of all sports through a set of universal standards operated by an independent and neutral body. SIGA is the only organisation to bring together sport, governments, academia, international organisations, sponsors, business, rights holders, NGOs and professional services companies, from every region in the world, around a common cause of fostering greater integrity throughout sport.

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