The SIGA Members Club is the latest initiative designed with the purpose of providing SIGA Members with the opportunity to showcase the work they are leading in Sport and integrity, while fostering and promoting synergies among like-minded individuals and organizations.
The SIGA Members Club will focus on key topics relating to current affairs on the scope of Sport Integrity, and will be delivered in different formats to be inclusive and far-reaching.
Given the Global implementation of SIGA and the wide range of geographies of the membership base, a series of virtual & in-person meetings will be available to all members throughout the inception year.
Chapter Brazil launch
SIGA Members Club – Capítulo Brasil
A Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) e a SIGA LATIN AMERICA convidam para inauguração do Capítulo Brasil do SIGA Members Club, um evento exclusivo a realizar em São Paulo e que reunirá alguns dos mais prestigiados líderes do esporte no país.
Ocorrerá no próximo dia 11 de Março, a partir das 20:00, no renomado restaurante Othelo, em São Paulo.
O SIGA Members Club é uma iniciativa pioneira destinada a criar um espaço de networking para personalidades influentes no mundo do esporte, com o objetivo de promover troca de conhecimentos entre membros da SIGA e outros profissionais, bem como fomentar projetos, iniciativas e impulsionar avanços nas melhores práticas de Boa Governação no esporte (saiba mais aqui).
Este é um encontro exclusivo, limitado a convidados SIGA. Entretanto, abrimos 3 vagas adicionais para potenciais interessados em participar desta grande iniciativa. Aproveite.
Data: 11 de Março
Horário: a partir das 20:00
Local: Restaurante Othelo, em São Paulo (Rua Doutor Jesuíno Maciel, 728, Esquina com rua: Barão de Jaceguai, Campo Belo; São Paulo, SP)
Preço: R$ 315
- Crostinis (massa de pizza polvilhada com parmesão e ervas finas)
- Nostro Pane (pão de calabresa artesanal feito no forno à lenha)
- Focaccia
#acompanha: patês da casa, manteiga e azeite com pimenta rosa
- Salada do Chef (Salada verde com microbrotos, maçă verde, queijo de cabra, geleia de tomate e pistache
- Polenta rústica com ragu de mignon
- Ravioli de gorgonzola com pera ao molho de mel sálvia e especiarias
- Risoto de alcachofra com camarão
- Badejo em crosta de amêndoas com risoto de limão siciliano
- Chateaubriand ao vinho do porto, funghi acompanhado de gnocchi de mandioquinha
- Creme Brûlée
- Abacaxi com raspas de limão siciliano
- Água sem gas, refrigerantes normal e zero, suco natural (laranja/ metancia) e café expresso
- Inclui seleção de vinhos a partilhar
Os bilhetes são individuais não reembolsáveis. Se desejar transferir o bilhete, entre em contacto conosco através de [email protected]
Traje: Smart Casual
Lunch Debate – The Future of Football
Join us in celebrating SIGA’s 7th Anniversary with an exclusive inaugural Members Club event: a Lunch Debate on “The Future of Football.”
This event marks the beginning of a series of global member meetings throughout 2024.
As we delve into the critical theme of “The Future of Football,” addressing the impact of recent legal decisions on the European sports landscape and the potential creation of a Super League, we invite you to engage in thought-provoking discussions on the steps football must take to maintain relevance and integrity.
Stay tuned for the announcement of distinguished participants.
This lunch debate is an opportunity to network in a premium setting with SIGA’s extensive global members and partners, and promote knowledge exchange. Participants will have the chance to showcase the work they are leading in the field of Sport Integrity and contribute to the cultural changes necessary to uphold Sport Integrity.
31 January 2024
12:30 -15:30
Hush Brasserie Holborn – The Butterfly Room
95 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6LF
Price £100
Join us on this momentous occasion and seize this unique opportunity to connect with key decision-makers, network with senior industry leaders and participate on a thought-provocative debate on #TheFutureOfFootball with SIGA’s current and future members and leaders from various industries.
We are thrilled to announce that our distinguished keynote speaker will be Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros, SIGA Global CEO.
With a vast & prominent career in #Law & #Sport spanning over three decades, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros has played a leading role in numerous national and international sports organizations. Having spearheaded the creation of #SIGA, he was elected Global CEO of the world’s largest, independent global coalition in the field of #SportIntegrity.
Prior to this, he began his journey as a lawyer in 1993 and later served at the Portuguese Football League as Director General for six years. Subsequently, he co-founded and led the European Leagues (EPFL), where he was elected by unanimity as CEO three times, an office he held for a decade until mid-2014.
In addition, having led the efforts to create the World League Association and mobilized all the professional leagues from across the globe, he was unanimously elected CEO of the organization, in February 2012.
Between 2002 and 2014, Emanuel was an active member of various Committees and Expert Groups within both UEFA and FIFA, including the FIFA Football Committee and UEFA’s Professional Football’s Strategy Council. In 2022, invited by the UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros exerted the chairmanship of the UEFA Convention on The Future of Football in Europe.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the foremost authorities in #SportIntegrity by joining us for an enlightening discussion on “The Future of Football” with Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros.
- Burrata
olive oil, tomato ‘snow’ - Smoked Salmon Carpaccio
red onion, capers, lemon, black pepper, horseradish mayo - Warm Crispy Duck Salad
smacked cucumbers, radishes, coriander
- Roast Baby Chicken
roast mixed roots - Roasted Salmon
grilled hispi cabbage, saffron mayonnaise - Giant Truffle & Pecorino Ravioli
wild mushrooms, hazelnuts, fried sage, shaved black truffle - Sides to share
roast rosemary new potatoes, tender stem broccoli
- Tiramisù
- The Lemon Sorbet
- Mars Bar Cheesecake
Ticket price includes a selection of soft drinks and a selection of alcoholic beverages.
Tickets are non-refundable. Should you wish to transfer the ticket, please contact us on [email protected]
Dress code: Smart Casual