The Greatest Challenge of the Decade from the Perspective of the Media
30 January 2020 Sport Museum, Foz Palace, Lisbon, Portugal

Siga Special Session: Female Leadership in Sport, Washington DC, 7 March 2019
The Special Session addressed the importance of Female Leadership in Sport, its important role in promoting good governance and, in particular, diversity of thought in a fast, ever-evolving dynamic sector, as well as the challenges facing future female leaders and the best solutions to pierce the gender glass ceiling.
This SIGA Special Session is part of a wider initiative that was launched in Paris on 7 March 2018 to promote female leadership in sports organisations as part of SIGA’s Universal Standards on Good Governance. For more details on the SIGA Global Female Mentorship Programme please click here.
This Special Session was hosted by SIGA in partnership with Mastercard, the National Fitness Foundation, George Washington University, and Octagon.

SIGA Special Session The INTERSECTION of Integrity & The Sports Business, New York, 10 October 2018
Supported by Mastercard and Octagon, “SIGA Special Session: The Intersection of Integrity & the Sports Business” in New York will seek to raise our profile in the US and promote our vision & mission to a range of stakeholders in the region. With emphasis on the business side of sport integrity, the SIGA Special Session will gather experts in the field to discuss the biggest challenges facing sponsorship and sport integrity. This is preceded by the second meeting of the SIGA Standing Committee on this topic.

SIGA European Week of Sport Event, Brussels, 26 September 2018
Coinciding with the 2018 European Week of Sport, SIGA will hold a Special Session on “The Role of the European Union in Safeguarding the Integrity of Sport”. We will also use this opportunity to inaugurate the SIGA representation office in Brussels, at the House of Sport.
To register, please visit

SIGA’s Gender Equality in Sport Initiative, Paris, 08 March 2018
Introduced at a special session in Paris on the eve of International Women’s Day, SIGA joined a global call to action to #PressForProgress on gender equality, by announcing the launch of a worldwide and action-orientated mentorship programme that will support and encourage future female leaders in sport to reach their potential. The first team of 11 mentors were announced, with more to follow. Further details regarding SIGA’s Global Female Mentorship Programme will be announced shortly.