The SIGA University Network (SUN) is a coalition of global leading universities whose objective is to develop a series of joint initiatives in the field of sport governance and integrity including developing Masters level curricula on Sports Integrity, thought leadership projects, research on a wide number of key topics and other initiatives of common interest. SIGA actively promotes educating the next generation of future leaders in the sports industry on the importance of sport integrity. Notable institutions who have already joined the SUN include George Washington University, who was the first university to join the network, the High Institute of Law and Economy of Spain (ISDE), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and the High Institute of Economic, Finance and Fiscal Law of the Law School of the Lisbon University and recently the Qatar University.
Check out which academics and universities were involved in the inaugural meeting of SUN that took place on 2 July 2020 together with the Declaration of Intent that outlines the action plan reached by consensus.
The second meeting of SUN will take place during the first SIGA Sport Integrity Week taking place 7 to 11 September 2020.
If you are a university or research institution interested in joining SUN, please contact Dr Iain Lindsay, Director of Research, Knowledge and Innovation via email at [email protected].

“Qatar University is highly committed to promoting values of sport integrity in teaching, research and community outreach. Our students in Sport Science and Physical Education are trained in values of good governance, in research ethics, sport and social inclusion. Qatar University with key partners in the national Sport Sector has been actively involved in research to secure a safe environment for sport fans visiting newly built stadia for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Notwithstanding here sport activities department role and mission in offering a rich sporting experience for students and faculty, as well as the whole community, thanks to the newly built sport facility at Qatar University Campus”
Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Dirham
Qatar University
“The collaboration between SIGA and Qatar University will open further opportunities for research and training of students in the area of sport integrity. Sport is a strategic component of Qatar strategy for development, and the local sporting context offer interesting insight into areas of good governance in sport, safety and security, as well as youth development”
Dr. Ahmed Al-Emadi
Sport Management,
Dean of College of Education.
Qatar University

“The benefits of the SUN are to be a part of the spearhead in leading research and innovation in the arena of sport, sport governance, sport integrity and transformation. More so, to be in the position to impart and implement ‘glocalised’ knowledge into education curriculum and industry in South Africa and Africa. Together we are so much stronger in researching, promoting and implementing sport governance and integrity worldwide. As a sporting nation, where sport has given so much to our country, to be part of the coalition of global leading entities united and committed to sport governance and integrity, it is a legacy to be carried out in memory of our late Nelson Mandela. Through this network, the hope is for global collaborations and the creation of opportunities with the focus on ongoing transformation to be ever more responsive to the needs of the world, African continent and South Africa.”
Dr. Pamela Serra
Section Head, Sport and Recreation Management
Marketing, Supply Chain & Sport Management

“The SUN offers an otherwise unavailable opportunity to conduct research that makes a difference. The research will make a difference because of its global reach and the connection with industry stakeholders”
Geoff Dickson
Associate Professor
Sport Management,
Management Sport & Tourism
La Trobe Business School

“We at ISST strongly believe that success is always achieved working in a team environment. Strong, strategic tie-ups and partnerships are a must to grow in this challenging sports industry. SUN is a unique global platform to connect with like-minded organizations and individuals who share similar values of ISST of integrity, good governance and more importantly team work which is a must to grow in today’s competitive world”
Dr. Vipul Lunawat

“Joining the SUN is exciting, as sport has become global and needs international collaborations for research, teaching and education ”
Professor in Sport Marketing

“As the first university to sign an MOU with SIGA in 2018, it has been a privilege to host a SIGA Women in Sport Symposium, serve on the Youth Sport Task Force, and assist with other projects”
Lisa Delpy Neirotti, Ph.D.
Director, MS in Sport Management Program;
Associate Professor of
Sport Management

“Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) is an emerging concept which endorses the fact that well designed sport initiatives can be powerful, practical, and cost-effective tools to aid in development and peace (United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development and Peace, 2003; Darnell, 2012). ECPD UPEACE would like to contribute to resulting in greater interest and support in the SDP research, practical implications and policy, to identify the most efficient ways to promote certain outcomes and impacts. Playing a key role and collaborating with international organisations and other SIGA partners, ECPD UPEACE should provide advice, consultation and analyses on sport policy issues, particularly those that relate to SDP and protect the integrity of sport to help accomplish the Millennium Development Goals – MDGs.”
Prof. Dr. Ing. Lidija T. Petrović
Associate Professor, ECPD UPEACE International Postgraduate Educational Programmes
PhD Module Leader ‘Strategic Management, Innovation and Risk Management’

“The main goal to join SIGA University Network is (1) to create a sustainable environment for sharing Sports Integrity values throughout the academic staff and student youth in Ukraine, (2) to participate in scientific collaboration with other Universities, and (3) to facilitate the scientific data into the practice of Ukrainian organizations. Our priorities are Financial Integrity and Sustainability of Sport, and Youth Development and Child Protection in Sport”
Olena Yarmoliuk
Vice Dean in Science and Management of International Projects,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University