The Sport Integrity Global Alliance informs that the deadline for submitting candidacies for the position of Global CEO has come to an end, and that Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros is the sole candidate for this month’s elections.

After four years as Global CEO of SIGA, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros is running for a second term (2022-2026).

Due to the nature and responsibilities of the role, the election of the Global CEO of SIGA requires reinforced legitimacy. Accordingly, as prescribed by the SIGA Statutes, the election by the Council will be followed by ratification by the General Assembly (by qualified majority of two thirds).

Electoral Process:

  • Thursday, 20 January 2022: Election by the SIGA Council
  • Monday, 31 January 2022: Ratification by the SIGA General Assembly

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SIGA is the world´s largest coalition in the field of sport´s governance and integrity. Supported by more than 100 international multi-industry supporters, SIGA is an independent and neutral organisation whose mission is to bring about meaningful reforms and enhance the integrity of all sports through a set of universal standards operated by an independent and neutral body. SIGA is the only organisation to bring together sport, governments, academia, international organisations, sponsors, business, rights holders, NGOs and professional services companies, from every region in the world, around a common cause of fostering greater integrity throughout sport.

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